ARCTIC Freezer 7 X chladič CPU (pro Intel i AMD AM4, AM5)

Kód zboží (ID): 4262048 vytisknout
Stav zboží: Nové
Dostupnost: skladem
Datum odeslání: Expedujeme 2.10.
Výrobce: ARCTIC
Kód zboží: 4262048
Číslo zboží (PN): ACFRE00077A
EAN: 4895213702461
Záruka koncový zákazník: 72 měsíců
Záruka při koupi na IČO: 72 měsíců
Cena bez DPH: * 443 Kč
Cena vč. DPH: * 536 Kč
* - cena uvedena vč. recyklačních a autorských poplatků.

Popis produktu:

ARCTIC Freezer 7 X vícekompatibilní CPU chladič, Socket Intel 115x/1200/755 & AMD FM1/FM1+/FM2/FM2+/AM3/AM3+/AM4 Super tichý chladič pro téměř jakýkoliv procesor, za nepřekonatelnou cenu – to je novinka v podobě chladiče Freezer 7 X, který je přímým nástupcem legendárnícho Freezer 7 Pro. O kvalitní chlazení se stará 92mm ventilátor, který žene vzduch přes hliníkový radiátor se 44 žebry. Velkou výhodou je i široká podpora procesorových patic Intel a AMD a již od výrobce předinstalovaná teplovodivá pasta Arctic MX-2. Kompatibilní se sloty Intel® a AMD® • Předem nanesená tepelná pasta MX-2 • Prodloužená životnost díky nízké teplotě cívky • Nižší spotřeba energie a menší vibrace díky nové technologie motoru • Ofsetová tepelná potrubí zajišťují optimální odvod tepla Kompatiblní s AMD® FM1/2(+), AM3(+), AM4 a Intel® 115x, 1200, 775 Ventilátor: 92 mm Hlučnost: 0.3 sonu (při maximálním výkonu) Počet Heat-pipe trubiček: 2 (z každé strany) Tloušťka Heat-pipe: 6mm Rychlost otáček: 300 – 2 000 ot./min (řízeno PWM) Typ ložiska: Fluid Dynamic Konektor: 4-pin Hmotnost: 425 g Rozměry: 74,3 x 110,5 x 132,5mm Kompatibilní se sockety: Intel 115x, 1200, 755 AMD FM1, FM1+, FM2, FM2+, AM3, AM3+, AM4 Freezer 7 X Compact Multi-Compatible CPU Cooler Compatible with Intel® & AMD® sockets • Pre-applied MX-2 thermal paste • Extended lifespan thanks to low coil temperature • Lower power consumption and less vibration with new motor technology • Offset heat pipes ensure optimal heat dissipation A worthy Freezer 7 Pro successor: better price, better performance The Freezer 7 X benefits from an improved heatsink design and a reworked heat pipe layout. In conjunction with the fan, which is optimized for high static pressure, we have been able to significantly improve the Freezer 7 X's cooling performance. Optimized and more effective manufacturing processes also allow us to offer it at a better MSRP. Compatibility Intel Socket: 1700 (since Rev. 3), 1200, 1156, 1155, 1151, 1150 AMD Socket: AM5, AM4, AM3(+), FM1, FM2(+) Ram Clearance: unlimited Warranty: 6 Years Operating Ambient Temperature: 0—40 °C Heatsink Heatpipes: 2 Fin Material: Aluminum Number of Fins: 44 Fin Thickness: 0.4 mm Thermal Paste: MX-4 pre-applied Fan Fan Size: 100 Fan Speed: 300—2000 rpm Fan Bearing: Fluid Dynamic Bearing Noise Level: 0.3 Sone Current: 0.07 A Connector: 4-Pin Size & Weight Length: 74.3 mm Width: 110.5 mm Height: 132.5 mm Weight: 425 Compatible with Intel & AMD sockets The Freezer 7 X is compatible with all current desktop sockets from Intel and AMD. By using the mounting frame, simple installation is possible without a need to remove the mainboard. Pre-applied MX-2 thermal paste Pre-applied, high-performing MX-2 thermal paste ensures quick and clean assembly. Longer lifespan thanks to its low coil temperature In theory, reducing the coil temperature by 10 °C can double the service life. With the use of new ARCTIC fan motors, we were able to lower the temperature by 20 °C, which quadrupled the lifespan of the fans. Offset heat pipes enable optimal heat dissipation The direct-touch heat pipes attached to the Freezer 7 X and an optimized design of the 44 cooling fins together ensure that the heat from the CPU can be ideally removed and released into the air. P-fan for Increased Performance Inspired by the P-series, the Freezer 7 X’s fan benefits from all of the advantages of P-fans: • High static pressure for increased cooling performance • Broad RPM range • Lower power consumption • Less vibration • PWM for synchronous fan control Hydrodynamic plain bearing Thanks to a combination of alloy and lubricant developed in Germany, the friction within the bearing is reduced, leading to greater efficiency. In this way, less heat is generated, there is less bearing noise and the life of the fan is extended. Direct Touch Heatpipes The Freezer 7 X uses direct-touch heatpipes. This ensures that the heat to be dissipated is transferred directly to the heatpipes without an additional material layer, and transported into the heatsink via the pipes.
ARCTIC Freezer 7 X vícekompatibilní CPU chladič, Socket Intel 115x/1200/755 & AMD FM1/FM1+/FM2/FM2+/AM3/AM3+/AM4 Super tichý chladič pro téměř jakýkoliv procesor, za nepřekonatelnou cenu – to je novinka v podobě chladiče Freezer 7 X, který je přímým nástupcem legendárnícho Freezer 7 Pro. O kvalitní chlazení se stará 92mm ventilátor, který žene vzduch přes hliníkový radiátor se 44 žebry. Velkou výhodou je i široká podpora procesorových patic Intel a AMD a již od výrobce předinstalovaná teplovodivá pasta Arctic MX-2. Kompatibilní se sloty Intel® a AMD® • Předem nanesená tepelná pasta MX-2 • Prodloužená životnost díky nízké teplotě cívky • Nižší spotřeba energie a menší vibrace díky nové technologie motoru • Ofsetová tepelná potrubí zajišťují optimální odvod tepla Kompatiblní s AMD® FM1/2(+), AM3(+), AM4 a Intel® 115x, 1200, 775 Ventilátor: 92 mm Hlučnost: 0.3 sonu (při maximálním výkonu) Počet Heat-pipe trubiček: 2 (z každé strany) Tloušťka Heat-pipe: 6mm Rychlost otáček: 300 – 2 000 ot./min (řízeno PWM) Typ ložiska: Fluid Dynamic Konektor: 4-pin Hmotnost: 425 g Rozměry: 74,3 x 110,5 x 132,5mm Kompatibilní se sockety: Intel 115x, 1200, 755 AMD FM1, FM1+, FM2, FM2+, AM3, AM3+, AM4 Freezer 7 X Compact Multi-Compatible CPU Cooler Compatible with Intel® & AMD® sockets • Pre-applied MX-2 thermal paste • Extended lifespan thanks to low coil temperature • Lower power consumption and less vibration with new motor technology • Offset heat pipes ensure optimal heat dissipation A worthy Freezer 7 Pro successor: better price, better performance The Freezer 7 X benefits from an improved heatsink design and a reworked heat pipe layout. In conjunction with the fan, which is optimized for high static pressure, we have been able to significantly improve the Freezer 7 X's cooling performance. Optimized and more effective manufacturing processes also allow us to offer it at a better MSRP. Compatibility Intel Socket: 1700 (since Rev. 3), 1200, 1156, 1155, 1151, 1150 AMD Socket: AM5, AM4, AM3(+), FM1, FM2(+) Ram Clearance: unlimited Warranty: 6 Years Operating Ambient Temperature: 0—40 °C Heatsink Heatpipes: 2 Fin Material: Aluminum Number of Fins: 44 Fin Thickness: 0.4 mm Thermal Paste: MX-4 pre-applied Fan Fan Size: 100 Fan Speed: 300—2000 rpm Fan Bearing: Fluid Dynamic Bearing Noise Level: 0.3 Sone Current: 0.07 A Connector: 4-Pin Size & Weight Length: 74.3 mm Width: 110.5 mm Height: 132.5 mm Weight: 425 Compatible with Intel & AMD sockets The Freezer 7 X is compatible with all current desktop sockets from Intel and AMD. By using the mounting frame, simple installation is possible without a need to remove the mainboard. Pre-applied MX-2 thermal paste Pre-applied, high-performing MX-2 thermal paste ensures quick and clean assembly. Longer lifespan thanks to its low coil temperature In theory, reducing the coil temperature by 10 °C can double the service life. With the use of new ARCTIC fan motors, we were able to lower the temperature by 20 °C, which quadrupled the lifespan of the fans. Offset heat pipes enable optimal heat dissipation The direct-touch heat pipes attached to the Freezer 7 X and an optimized design of the 44 cooling fins together ensure that the heat from the CPU can be ideally removed and released into the air. P-fan for Increased Performance Inspired by the P-series, the Freezer 7 X’s fan benefits from all of the advantages of P-fans: • High static pressure for increased cooling performance • Broad RPM range • Lower power consumption • Less vibration • PWM for synchronous fan control Hydrodynamic plain bearing Thanks to a combination of alloy and lubricant developed in Germany, the friction within the bearing is reduced, leading to greater efficiency. In this way, less heat is generated, there is less bearing noise and the life of the fan is extended. Direct Touch Heatpipes The Freezer 7 X uses direct-touch heatpipes. This ensures that the heat to be dissipated is transferred directly to the heatpipes without an additional material layer, and transported into the heatsink via the pipes.

Freezer 7 X - Kompaktný multikompatibilný chladič CPU

ARCTIC Freezer 7 X je kompaktný chladič CPU s jedným 92 mm ventilátorom. Je kompatibilný s bežnými socketmi Intel a AMD. Jeho výhodou je vylepšený dizajn chladiča a prepracované usporiadanie tepelných trubíc. V spojení s ventilátorom, ktorý je optimalizovaný pre vysoký statický tlak, sa spoločnosti ARCTIC podarilo výrazne zlepšiť chladiaci výkon mrazničky 7 X.

Kompatibilita s päticami Intel a AMD Freezer 7 X je kompatibilný so všetkými súčasnými päticami Intel a AMD pre stolové počítače. Pomocou montážneho rámu je možná jednoduchá inštalácia bez nutnosti demontáže základnej dosky.

Vopred nanesená termálna pasta MX-2Vopred nanesená vysokoúčinná termálna pasta MX-2 zabezpečuje rýchlu a čistú montáž.

Dlhšia životnosť vďaka nízkej teplote cievky Mraznička 7 X využíva motor ventilátora novo vyvinutý spoločnosťou ARCTIC. Ten pracuje menej hlučne a efektívnejšie, takže teplota cievok je o 20 °C nižšia ako pri bežných motoroch. Tým sa výrazne predlžuje životnosť ventilátorov, čo umožňuje spoločnosti ARCTIC poskytnúť na mrazničku Freezer 7 X 6-ročnú záruku.

Odsadené tepelné trubice umožňujú optimálny odvod tepla Priame dotykové tepelné trubice pripojené k mrazničke Freezer 7 X a optimalizovaný dizajn 44 chladiacich rebier spoločne zabezpečujú, že teplo z procesora sa môže ideálne odvádzať a uvoľňovať do vzduchu.

Účinnejší a tichší Okrem tichšej prevádzky, dokonca aj pri maximálnych otáčkach, je zabudovaný motor ventilátora mrazničky 7 X aj oveľa účinnejší. Spotreba energie sa znížila z 0.25 A až 0.07 A, čo zodpovedá efektívnej úspore energie vo výške 72 %. Inžinierom spoločnosti ARCTIC sa tiež podarilo znížiť objem o 40 %, vďaka čomu mraznička 7 X pracuje s tichým chodom 0.3 sone pri maximálnej rýchlosti.

o 10 % väčší chladiaci výkon s mrazničkou 7 X Mraznička ARCTIC 7 X stanovuje nové štandardy v oblasti chladenia. V porovnaní s predchodcom bolo možné otestovať nárast výkonu o takmer 10 %. Tepelný odpor vyjadruje absolútny výkon chladiča CPU tým, že udáva nárast teploty na jednotku výkonu. Predstavuje tiež chladiaci výkon nezávislý od procesora a je presnejšou alternatívou k špecifikácii TDP.

P-ventilátor pre vyšší výkon inšpirovaný sériou P, ventilátor mrazničky 7 X využíva všetky výhody P-ventilátorov: - Vysoký statický tlak pre vyšší chladiaci výkon - Široký rozsah otáčok - Nižšia spotreba energie - Menšie vibrácie - PWM pre synchrónne riadenie ventilátora Ďalšie informácie o P-ventilátoroch odporúčame získať z našich často kladených otázok.

Fluid Dynamic Bearing Vďaka kombinácii zliatiny a maziva vyvinutej v Nemecku sa znižuje trenie v ložisku, čo vedie k vyššej účinnosti. Týmto spôsobom sa vytvára menej tepla, znižuje sa hluk ložiska a predlžuje sa životnosť ventilátora.

Priame dotykové tepelné trubice Mraznička 7 X využíva priame dotykové tepelné trubice. Tým sa zabezpečí, že teplo, ktoré sa má odvádzať, sa prenáša priamo do tepelných trubíc bez ďalšej vrstvy materiálu a prostredníctvom trubíc sa transportuje do chladiča.

Viacjazyčné príručky Ponúkame vám pravidelne aktualizovanú používateľskú príručku v mnohých jazykoch, ktorú máte pohodlne po ruke kdekoľvek a kedykoľvek. Umiestnite nálepku s QR kódom na ľahko dostupné miesto a už nikdy nestrácajte čas hľadaním návodu na použitie výrobku.


Socket Intel 1200 - Áno, 1151 - Áno, 1150 - Áno, 1155 - Áno, 1156 - Áno, 2066 - Nie, 1366 - Nie, 775 - Áno, 1700 - ÁNO
Socket AMD sTR4 - Nie, AM4 - Áno, AM3(+) - Áno, AM2(+) - Nie, AM1 - Nie, FM2(+) - Áno, FM1 - Áno
Tepelná pasta Predbežne nanesená vrstva MX-2
Odbavenie ram žiadny limit
Informácie Direct Touch O 6 mm x 2 Hliníkové lamely x 44, hrúbka: 0.4 mm
Ventilátor 92 mm, 300 - 2.000 RPM (riadené PWM)
Ložisko Fluidné dynamické ložisko
Úroveň hluku 0.3 Sone
Prúd/napätie 0.07 A / 12 V DC
Konektor 4-pinová zástrčka
Veľkosť 110.5 x 132.5 x 74.3 mm
Hmotnosť 425g


Freezer 7 X Kompaktní vícekompatibilní chladič CPU Kompatibilní se sloty Intel® a AMD® • Předem nanesená tepelná pasta MX-2 • Prodloužená životnost díky nízké teplotě cívky • Nižší spotřeba energie a menší vibrace díky nové technologie motoru • Ofsetová tepelná potrubí zajišťují optimální odvod tepla Kompatiblní s AMD® FM1/2(+), AM3(+), AM4 a Intel® 115x, 1200, 775 Freezer 7 X Compact Multi-Compatible CPU Cooler Compatible with Intel® & AMD® sockets • Pre-applied MX-2 thermal paste • Extended lifespan thanks to low coil temperature • Lower power consumption and less vibration with new motor technology • Offset heat pipes ensure optimal heat dissipation A worthy Freezer 7 Pro successor: better price, better performance The Freezer 7 X benefits from an improved heatsink design and a reworked heat pipe layout. In conjunction with the fan, which is optimized for high static pressure, we have been able to significantly improve the Freezer 7 X's cooling performance. Optimized and more effective manufacturing processes also allow us to offer it at a better MSRP. Specifications Heat Pipe Direct Touch Ř 6 mm x 2 Heatsink Aluminium Fins x 44 Thickness: 0.4 mm Thermal Compound MX-2 pre-applied Dimensions 74.3 (L) x 110.5 (W) x 132.5 (H) mm Weight 425 g Compatibility AMD® FM1/2(+), AM3(+), AM4 Intel® 115x, 1200, 775 RAM Clearance no limit Fan 1 x 92 mm, 300–2000 RPM (Controlled by PWM) Current/Voltage 0.07 A/12 V Bearings Fluid Dynamic Bearing Noise Level 0.3 Sone Connector 4-pin connector Compatible with Intel & AMD sockets The Freezer 7 X is compatible with all current desktop sockets from Intel and AMD. By using the mounting frame, simple installation is possible without a need to remove the mainboard. Pre-applied MX-2 thermal paste Pre-applied, high-performing MX-2 thermal paste ensures quick and clean assembly. Longer lifespan thanks to its low coil temperature In theory, reducing the coil temperature by 10 °C can double the service life. With the use of new ARCTIC fan motors, we were able to lower the temperature by 20 °C, which quadrupled the lifespan of the fans. Offset heat pipes enable optimal heat dissipation The direct-touch heat pipes attached to the Freezer 7 X and an optimized design of the 44 cooling fins together ensure that the heat from the CPU can be ideally removed and released into the air. P-fan for Increased Performance Inspired by the P-series, the Freezer 7 X’s fan benefits from all of the advantages of P-fans: • High static pressure for increased cooling performance • Broad RPM range • Lower power consumption • Less vibration • PWM for synchronous fan control Hydrodynamic plain bearing Thanks to a combination of alloy and lubricant developed in Germany, the friction within the bearing is reduced, leading to greater efficiency. In this way, less heat is generated, there is less bearing noise and the life of the fan is extended. Direct Touch Heatpipes The Freezer 7 X uses direct-touch heatpipes. This ensures that the heat to be dissipated is transferred directly to the heatpipes without an additional material layer, and transported into the heatsink via the pipes.
ARCTIC Freezer 7 X

Tichý chladič pro procesory Intel i AMD je vybaven dvěma heatpipe a ventilátorem o velikosti 92 mm s PWM regulací, díky které je možné regulovat rychlost otáček za minutu. Ventilátor disponuje kvalitním FDB ložiskem, které zajišťuje dlouhotrvající bezproblémový chod. K připojení slouží 4pin PWM konektor.

Chladič je dodáván s předem nanesenou teplovodivou pastou ARCTIC MX-2 pro maximální odvod generovaného tepla.


Určení chladiče: pro CPU

Patice: Intel: 1150, 1151, 1155, 1156, 1200 AMD: FM1, FM1+, FM2, FM2+, AM3, AM3+, AM4

Otáčky ventilátoru: 300–2000 ot./min

Hlučnost: 22,5 dB

Rozměry: 132,5 × 110,5 × 74,3 mm

Hmotnost: 425 g

Super tichý chladič pro téměř jakýkoliv procesor, za nepřekonatelnou cenu – to je novinka v podobě chladiče Freezer 7 X, který je přímým nástupcem legendárnícho Freezer 7 Pro. O kvalitní chlazení se stará 92mm ventilátor, který žene vzduch přes hliníkový radiátor se 44 žebry. Velkou výhodou je i široká podpora procesorových patic Intel a AMD a již od výrobce předinstalovaná teplovodivá pasta Arctic MX-2. Ventilátor: 92 mm Hlučnost: 0.3 sonu (při maximálním výkonu) Počet Heat-pipe trubiček: 2 (z každé strany) Tloušťka Heat-pipe: 6mm Rychlost otáček: 300 – 2 000 ot./min (řízeno PWM) Typ ložiska: Fluid Dynamic Konektor: 4-pin Hmotnost: 425 g Rozměry: 74,3 x 110,5 x 132,5mm Kompatibilní se sockety: Intel 1700, 115x, 1200 AMD FM1, FM1+, FM2, FM2+, AM3, AM3+, AM4, AM5
Freezer 7 X Kompaktní vícekompatibilní chladič CPU Kompatibilní se sloty Intel® a AMD® • Předem nanesená tepelná pasta MX-2 • Prodloužená životnost díky nízké teplotě cívky • Nižší spotřeba energie a menší vibrace díky nové technologie motoru • Ofsetová tepelná potrubí zajišťují optimální odvod tepla Kompatiblní s AMD® FM1/2(+), AM3(+), AM4 a Intel® 115x, 1200, 775 Freezer 7 X Compact Multi-Compatible CPU Cooler Compatible with Intel® & AMD® sockets • Pre-applied MX-2 thermal paste • Extended lifespan thanks to low coil temperature • Lower power consumption and less vibration with new motor technology • Offset heat pipes ensure optimal heat dissipation A worthy Freezer 7 Pro successor: better price, better performance The Freezer 7 X benefits from an improved heatsink design and a reworked heat pipe layout. In conjunction with the fan, which is optimized for high static pressure, we have been able to significantly improve the Freezer 7 X's cooling performance. Optimized and more effective manufacturing processes also allow us to offer it at a better MSRP. Specifications Heat Pipe Direct Touch Ř 6 mm x 2 Heatsink Aluminium Fins x 44 Thickness: 0.4 mm Thermal Compound MX-2 pre-applied Dimensions 74.3 (L) x 110.5 (W) x 132.5 (H) mm Weight 425 g Compatibility AMD® FM1/2(+), AM3(+), AM4 Intel® 115x, 1200, 775 RAM Clearance no limit Fan 1 x 92 mm, 300–2000 RPM (Controlled by PWM) Current/Voltage 0.07 A/12 V Bearings Fluid Dynamic Bearing Noise Level 0.3 Sone Connector 4-pin connector Compatible with Intel & AMD sockets The Freezer 7 X is compatible with all current desktop sockets from Intel and AMD. By using the mounting frame, simple installation is possible without a need to remove the mainboard. Pre-applied MX-2 thermal paste Pre-applied, high-performing MX-2 thermal paste ensures quick and clean assembly. Longer lifespan thanks to its low coil temperature In theory, reducing the coil temperature by 10 °C can double the service life. With the use of new ARCTIC fan motors, we were able to lower the temperature by 20 °C, which quadrupled the lifespan of the fans. Offset heat pipes enable optimal heat dissipation The direct-touch heat pipes attached to the Freezer 7 X and an optimized design of the 44 cooling fins together ensure that the heat from the CPU can be ideally removed and released into the air. P-fan for Increased Performance Inspired by the P-series, the Freezer 7 X’s fan benefits from all of the advantages of P-fans: • High static pressure for increased cooling performance • Broad RPM range • Lower power consumption • Less vibration • PWM for synchronous fan control Hydrodynamic plain bearing Thanks to a combination of alloy and lubricant developed in Germany, the friction within the bearing is reduced, leading to greater efficiency. In this way, less heat is generated, there is less bearing noise and the life of the fan is extended. Direct Touch Heatpipes The Freezer 7 X uses direct-touch heatpipes. This ensures that the heat to be dissipated is transferred directly to the heatpipes without an additional material layer, and transported into the heatsink via the pipes.
Chladič Arctic Freezer 7 X je kompaktní chladič CPU s 92mm větrákem. Je multi-kompatibilní s běžnými Intel a AMD paticemi a díky vylepšenému heatsinku a předělaným trubicím si dokáže poradit i v horkých situacích. Intel Socket: 1700, 1200, 1151, 1150, 1155, 1156 AMD Socket: sTR4, AM4, AM3(+), FM2(+), FM1 Žebra: 44x, Hliník Trubice: Měď Teplovodivá pasta: Arctic MX-2 (již aplikovaná) Větrák: 92 mm, 300 - 2000 RPM (Ovládáno PWM) Ložisko: Fluid Dynamic Hlučnost: 0,3 Sone Proud/Napětí: 0,07 A / 12 V DC Konektor: 4-pin PWM Rozměry: 110,5 x 132,5 x 74,3 mm Váha: 425 g
Freezer 7 X Kompaktní vícekompatibilní chladič CPU Kompatibilní se sloty Intel® a AMD® • Předem nanesená tepelná pasta MX-2 • Prodloužená životnost díky nízké teplotě cívky • Nižší spotřeba energie a menší vibrace díky nové technologie motoru • Ofsetová tepelná potrubí zajišťují optimální odvod tepla Kompatiblní s AMD® FM1/2(+), AM3(+), AM4 a Intel® 115x, 1200, 775 Freezer 7 X Compact Multi-Compatible CPU Cooler Compatible with Intel® & AMD® sockets • Pre-applied MX-2 thermal paste • Extended lifespan thanks to low coil temperature • Lower power consumption and less vibration with new motor technology • Offset heat pipes ensure optimal heat dissipation A worthy Freezer 7 Pro successor: better price, better performance The Freezer 7 X benefits from an improved heatsink design and a reworked heat pipe layout. In conjunction with the fan, which is optimized for high static pressure, we have been able to significantly improve the Freezer 7 X's cooling performance. Optimized and more effective manufacturing processes also allow us to offer it at a better MSRP. Specifications Heat Pipe Direct Touch Ř 6 mm x 2 Heatsink Aluminium Fins x 44 Thickness: 0.4 mm Thermal Compound MX-2 pre-applied Dimensions 74.3 (L) x 110.5 (W) x 132.5 (H) mm Weight 425 g Compatibility AMD® FM1/2(+), AM3(+), AM4 Intel® 115x, 1200, 775 RAM Clearance no limit Fan 1 x 92 mm, 300–2000 RPM (Controlled by PWM) Current/Voltage 0.07 A/12 V Bearings Fluid Dynamic Bearing Noise Level 0.3 Sone Connector 4-pin connector Compatible with Intel & AMD sockets The Freezer 7 X is compatible with all current desktop sockets from Intel and AMD. By using the mounting frame, simple installation is possible without a need to remove the mainboard. Pre-applied MX-2 thermal paste Pre-applied, high-performing MX-2 thermal paste ensures quick and clean assembly. Longer lifespan thanks to its low coil temperature In theory, reducing the coil temperature by 10 °C can double the service life. With the use of new ARCTIC fan motors, we were able to lower the temperature by 20 °C, which quadrupled the lifespan of the fans. Offset heat pipes enable optimal heat dissipation The direct-touch heat pipes attached to the Freezer 7 X and an optimized design of the 44 cooling fins together ensure that the heat from the CPU can be ideally removed and released into the air. P-fan for Increased Performance Inspired by the P-series, the Freezer 7 X’s fan benefits from all of the advantages of P-fans: • High static pressure for increased cooling performance • Broad RPM range • Lower power consumption • Less vibration • PWM for synchronous fan control Hydrodynamic plain bearing Thanks to a combination of alloy and lubricant developed in Germany, the friction within the bearing is reduced, leading to greater efficiency. In this way, less heat is generated, there is less bearing noise and the life of the fan is extended. Direct Touch Heatpipes The Freezer 7 X uses direct-touch heatpipes. This ensures that the heat to be dissipated is transferred directly to the heatpipes without an additional material layer, and transported into the heatsink via the pipes.
Freezer 7 X Kompaktní vícekompatibilní chladič CPU Kompatibilní se sloty Intel® a AMD® • Předem nanesená tepelná pasta MX-2 • Prodloužená životnost díky nízké teplotě cívky • Nižší spotřeba energie a menší vibrace díky nové technologie motoru • Ofsetová tepelná potrubí zajišťují optimální odvod tepla Kompatiblní s AMD® FM1/2(+), AM3(+), AM4 a Intel® 115x, 1200, 775 Freezer 7 X Compact Multi-Compatible CPU Cooler Compatible with Intel® & AMD® sockets • Pre-applied MX-2 thermal paste • Extended lifespan thanks to low coil temperature • Lower power consumption and less vibration with new motor technology • Offset heat pipes ensure optimal heat dissipation A worthy Freezer 7 Pro successor: better price, better performance The Freezer 7 X benefits from an improved heatsink design and a reworked heat pipe layout. In conjunction with the fan, which is optimized for high static pressure, we have been able to significantly improve the Freezer 7 X's cooling performance. Optimized and more effective manufacturing processes also allow us to offer it at a better MSRP. Specifications Heat Pipe Direct Touch Ř 6 mm x 2 Heatsink Aluminium Fins x 44 Thickness: 0.4 mm Thermal Compound MX-2 pre-applied Dimensions 74.3 (L) x 110.5 (W) x 132.5 (H) mm Weight 425 g Compatibility AMD® FM1/2(+), AM3(+), AM4 Intel® 115x, 1200, 775 RAM Clearance no limit Fan 1 x 92 mm, 300–2000 RPM (Controlled by PWM) Current/Voltage 0.07 A/12 V Bearings Fluid Dynamic Bearing Noise Level 0.3 Sone Connector 4-pin connector Compatible with Intel & AMD sockets The Freezer 7 X is compatible with all current desktop sockets from Intel and AMD. By using the mounting frame, simple installation is possible without a need to remove the mainboard. Pre-applied MX-2 thermal paste Pre-applied, high-performing MX-2 thermal paste ensures quick and clean assembly. Longer lifespan thanks to its low coil temperature In theory, reducing the coil temperature by 10 °C can double the service life. With the use of new ARCTIC fan motors, we were able to lower the temperature by 20 °C, which quadrupled the lifespan of the fans. Offset heat pipes enable optimal heat dissipation The direct-touch heat pipes attached to the Freezer 7 X and an optimized design of the 44 cooling fins together ensure that the heat from the CPU can be ideally removed and released into the air. P-fan for Increased Performance Inspired by the P-series, the Freezer 7 X’s fan benefits from all of the advantages of P-fans: • High static pressure for increased cooling performance • Broad RPM range • Lower power consumption • Less vibration • PWM for synchronous fan control Hydrodynamic plain bearing Thanks to a combination of alloy and lubricant developed in Germany, the friction within the bearing is reduced, leading to greater efficiency. In this way, less heat is generated, there is less bearing noise and the life of the fan is extended. Direct Touch Heatpipes The Freezer 7 X uses direct-touch heatpipes. This ensures that the heat to be dissipated is transferred directly to the heatpipes without an additional material layer, and transported into the heatsink via the pipes.
Chladič Arctic Freezer 7 X je kompaktní chladič CPU s 92mm větrákem. Je multi-kompatibilní s běžnými Intel a AMD paticemi a díky vylepšenému heatsinku a předělaným trubicím si dokáže poradit i v horkých situacích. Intel Socket: 1700, 1200, 1151, 1150, 1155, 1156 AMD Socket: sTR4, AM4, AM3(+), FM2(+), FM1 Žebra: 44x, Hliník Trubice: Měď Teplovodivá pasta: Arctic MX-2 (již aplikovaná) Větrák: 92 mm, 300 - 2000 RPM (Ovládáno PWM) Ložisko: Fluid Dynamic Hlučnost: 0,3 Sone Proud/Napětí: 0,07 A / 12 V DC Konektor: 4-pin PWM Rozměry: 110,5 x 132,5 x 74,3 mm Váha: 425 g
Freezer 7 X Kompaktní vícekompatibilní chladič CPU Kompatibilní se sloty Intel® a AMD® • Předem nanesená tepelná pasta MX-2 • Prodloužená životnost díky nízké teplotě cívky • Nižší spotřeba energie a menší vibrace díky nové technologie motoru • Ofsetová tepelná potrubí zajišťují optimální odvod tepla Kompatiblní s AMD® FM1/2(+), AM3(+), AM4 a Intel® 115x, 1200, 775 Freezer 7 X Compact Multi-Compatible CPU Cooler Compatible with Intel® & AMD® sockets • Pre-applied MX-2 thermal paste • Extended lifespan thanks to low coil temperature • Lower power consumption and less vibration with new motor technology • Offset heat pipes ensure optimal heat dissipation A worthy Freezer 7 Pro successor: better price, better performance The Freezer 7 X benefits from an improved heatsink design and a reworked heat pipe layout. In conjunction with the fan, which is optimized for high static pressure, we have been able to significantly improve the Freezer 7 X's cooling performance. Optimized and more effective manufacturing processes also allow us to offer it at a better MSRP. Specifications Heat Pipe Direct Touch Ř 6 mm x 2 Heatsink Aluminium Fins x 44 Thickness: 0.4 mm Thermal Compound MX-2 pre-applied Dimensions 74.3 (L) x 110.5 (W) x 132.5 (H) mm Weight 425 g Compatibility AMD® FM1/2(+), AM3(+), AM4 Intel® 115x, 1200, 775 RAM Clearance no limit Fan 1 x 92 mm, 300–2000 RPM (Controlled by PWM) Current/Voltage 0.07 A/12 V Bearings Fluid Dynamic Bearing Noise Level 0.3 Sone Connector 4-pin connector Compatible with Intel & AMD sockets The Freezer 7 X is compatible with all current desktop sockets from Intel and AMD. By using the mounting frame, simple installation is possible without a need to remove the mainboard. Pre-applied MX-2 thermal paste Pre-applied, high-performing MX-2 thermal paste ensures quick and clean assembly. Longer lifespan thanks to its low coil temperature In theory, reducing the coil temperature by 10 °C can double the service life. With the use of new ARCTIC fan motors, we were able to lower the temperature by 20 °C, which quadrupled the lifespan of the fans. Offset heat pipes enable optimal heat dissipation The direct-touch heat pipes attached to the Freezer 7 X and an optimized design of the 44 cooling fins together ensure that the heat from the CPU can be ideally removed and released into the air. P-fan for Increased Performance Inspired by the P-series, the Freezer 7 X’s fan benefits from all of the advantages of P-fans: • High static pressure for increased cooling performance • Broad RPM range • Lower power consumption • Less vibration • PWM for synchronous fan control Hydrodynamic plain bearing Thanks to a combination of alloy and lubricant developed in Germany, the friction within the bearing is reduced, leading to greater efficiency. In this way, less heat is generated, there is less bearing noise and the life of the fan is extended. Direct Touch Heatpipes The Freezer 7 X uses direct-touch heatpipes. This ensures that the heat to be dissipated is transferred directly to the heatpipes without an additional material layer, and transported into the heatsink via the pipes.
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