ARCTIC Alpine 23 CO / AMD chladič

Kód zboží (ID): 4649961 vytisknout
Stav zboží: Nové
Dostupnost: skladem
Datum odeslání: Expedujeme pozítří
Výrobce: ARCTIC
Kód zboží: 4649961
Číslo zboží (PN): ACALP00036A
EAN: 4895213702836
Záruka koncový zákazník: 120 měsíců
Záruka při koupi na IČO: 120 měsíců
Cena bez DPH: * 207 Kč
Cena vč. DPH: * 251 Kč
* - cena uvedena vč. recyklačních a autorských poplatků.

Popis produktu:

ARCTIC Alpine 23 CO chladič, AMD (AM4) IMPROVED COOLING PERFORMANCE BY NEW PRODUCTION PROCESS The high thermal conductivity of aluminum is fully retained by a new type of extrusion. This new production process creates a powerful yet very compact radial heat sink. The particularly thin cooling fins of the new Alpine are fanned out in a Y-shape. This increases the surface area of the heat sink and therefore the cooling capacity. WIDE RPM RANGE The Alpine 23 CO features a new motor technology with a very wide, PWM-controlled RPM range. This keeps the noise level at a minimum while guaranteeing maximum cooling performance when needed. LOWER POWER CONSUMPTION & MINIMUM VIBRATION The new Alpine 23 is powered by an updated motor and runs much more efficiently than its predecessors. Due to sinus-magnetizing the new motor creates just 5 % of the vibration from commutation of a regular DC-motor. These factors contribute towards saving energy, lowering the coil temperature and reducing vibrations to a minimum without compromising performance. FOR CONTINUOUS OPERATION The premium quality Japanese dual ball bearing allows continuous operation 24/7 without the slightest compromise in performance. Dust and high temperature are affecting this bearing a lot less than generic sleeve or one ball bearings and thus make it the perfect choice when reliability is essential. EXTENDED LIFE SPAN A 10 °C lower motor temperature roughly doubles the life span of a fan. The new ARCTIC motor has a four times longer service life through its low coil temperature. PRE-APPLIED MX-2 THERMAL PASTE The pre-applied, high-performance MX-2 thermal compound ensures fast and clean installation. EASY AND FAST INSTALLATION Thanks to the mounting clips, the installation is really easy. Alpine 23 is simply plugged onto the existing AMD retention modules and screwed tight. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Compatibility: Intel Socket: AMD Socket: AM4 Ram Clearance: unlimited Heatsink: Outer Diameter: 93.4 mm Fin Material: Aluminum Number of Fins: 50 Y-shaped Fins Thermal Paste: MX-2 pre-applied Fan: Fan Diameter: 90 mm Fan Speed: 100 - 2000 rpm Fan Bearing: Dual Ball Bearing Noise Level: 0.3 Sone Current: 0.06 A Connector: 4-Pin Size & Weight: Lenght: 98.6 mm Width: 121 mm Height: 65 mm Weight: 275.5 Packaging: Width: 111 mm Height: 76 mm Length: 111 mm Weight: 0.338 kg
ARCTIC Alpine 23 CO chladič, AMD (AM4) IMPROVED COOLING PERFORMANCE BY NEW PRODUCTION PROCESS The high thermal conductivity of aluminum is fully retained by a new type of extrusion. This new production process creates a powerful yet very compact radial heat sink. The particularly thin cooling fins of the new Alpine are fanned out in a Y-shape. This increases the surface area of the heat sink and therefore the cooling capacity. WIDE RPM RANGE The Alpine 23 CO features a new motor technology with a very wide, PWM-controlled RPM range. This keeps the noise level at a minimum while guaranteeing maximum cooling performance when needed. LOWER POWER CONSUMPTION & MINIMUM VIBRATION The new Alpine 23 is powered by an updated motor and runs much more efficiently than its predecessors. Due to sinus-magnetizing the new motor creates just 5 % of the vibration from commutation of a regular DC-motor. These factors contribute towards saving energy, lowering the coil temperature and reducing vibrations to a minimum without compromising performance. FOR CONTINUOUS OPERATION The premium quality Japanese dual ball bearing allows continuous operation 24/7 without the slightest compromise in performance. Dust and high temperature are affecting this bearing a lot less than generic sleeve or one ball bearings and thus make it the perfect choice when reliability is essential. EXTENDED LIFE SPAN A 10 °C lower motor temperature roughly doubles the life span of a fan. The new ARCTIC motor has a four times longer service life through its low coil temperature. PRE-APPLIED MX-2 THERMAL PASTE The pre-applied, high-performance MX-2 thermal compound ensures fast and clean installation. EASY AND FAST INSTALLATION Thanks to the mounting clips, the installation is really easy. Alpine 23 is simply plugged onto the existing AMD retention modules and screwed tight. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Compatibility: Intel Socket: AMD Socket: AM4 Ram Clearance: unlimited Heatsink: Outer Diameter: 93.4 mm Fin Material: Aluminum Number of Fins: 50 Y-shaped Fins Thermal Paste: MX-2 pre-applied Fan: Fan Diameter: 90 mm Fan Speed: 100 - 2000 rpm Fan Bearing: Dual Ball Bearing Noise Level: 0.3 Sone Current: 0.06 A Connector: 4-Pin Size & Weight: Lenght: 98.6 mm Width: 121 mm Height: 65 mm Weight: 275.5 Packaging: Width: 111 mm Height: 76 mm Length: 111 mm Weight: 0.338 kg

Alpine 23 CO

Kompaktný chladič procesora AMD na nepretržitú prevádzku

  • ZLEPŠENÝ CHLADIACI VÝKON NOVÝM VÝROBNÝM PROCESOM - Vysoká tepelná vodivosť hliníka je plne zachovaná novým typom vytlačovania. Tento nový výrobný proces vytvára výkonný a zároveň veľmi kompaktný radiálny chladič. Obzvlášť tenké chladiace rebrá nového modelu Alpine sú rozvetvené do tvaru písmena Y. Tým sa zväčší plocha chladiča, a tým aj chladiaci výkon.
  • Široký rozsah otáčok - Alpine 23 CO je vybavený novou technológiou motora s veľmi širokým rozsahom otáčok riadeným PWM. Vďaka tomu je hladina hluku minimálna a zároveň je zaručený maximálny chladiaci výkon v prípade potreby.
  • MENŠIA SPOTREBA ENERGIE A MINIMÁLNE VIBRÁCIE - Nový model Alpine 23 je poháňaný modernizovaným motorom a pracuje oveľa efektívnejšie ako jeho predchodcovia. Vďaka sínusovému magnetizovaniu vytvára nový motor len 5 % vibrácií z komutácie bežného jednosmerného motora. Tieto faktory prispievajú k úspore energie, znižujú teplotu cievky a redukujú vibrácie na minimum bez toho, aby sa znížil výkon.
  • PRE NEPRETRŽITÚ PREVÁDZKU - Japonské dvojité guľôčkové ložisko prvotriednej kvality umožňuje nepretržitú prevádzku 24 hodín denne, 7 dní v týždni bez najmenších kompromisov vo výkone. Prach a vysoká teplota ovplyvňujú toto ložisko oveľa menej ako všeobecné guľôčkové ložiská alebo ložiská s jedným puzdrom, a preto je ideálnou voľbou, keď je spoľahlivosť nevyhnutná.
  • PREDĹŽENÁ ŽIVOTNOSŤ - O 10 °C nižšia teplota motora približne zdvojnásobuje životnosť ventilátora. Nový motor ARCTIC má štyrikrát dlhšiu životnosť vďaka nízkej teplote cievky.
  • PREDAPLIKOVANÁ TEPELNÁ HMOTA MX-2 - Predaplikovaná vysokoúčinná tepelná hmota MX-2 zaručuje rýchlu a čistú inštaláciu.
  • ĽAHKÁ A RÝCHLA INŠTALÁCIA - Vďaka montážnym klipom je inštalácia naozaj jednoduchá. Alpine 23 sa jednoducho pripojí k existujúcim retenčným modulom AMD a pevne sa priskrutkuje.


Socket AMD AM4
Odbavenie ram neobmedzené
záruka 6 rokov
prevádzková teplota okolia 0 - 40°C
vonkajší priemer 93.4 mm
materiál plutiev Hliník
počet plutiev 50 plutiev v tvare Y
tepelná pasta Predbežne nanesená vrstva MX-2
priemer ventilátora 90 mm
rýchlosť ventilátora 200 - 2700 otáčok za minútu
ložisko ventilátora Duálne guľôčkové ložisko
úroveň hluku 0.3 Sone
aktuálne 0.09 A
konektor 4-pinový
veľkosť a hmotnosť
dĺžka 98.6 mm
šírka 121 mm
výška 65 mm
hmotnosť 275.5


Alpine 23 CO - Compact AMD CPU-Cooler for continuous operation IMPROVED COOLING PERFORMANCE BY NEW PRODUCTION PROCESS The high thermal conductivity of aluminum is fully retained by a new type of extrusion. This new production process creates a powerful yet very compact radial heat sink. The particularly thin cooling fins of the new Alpine are fanned out in a Y-shape. This increases the surface area of the heat sink and therefore the cooling capacity. WIDE RPM RANGE The Alpine 23 CO features a new motor technology with a very wide, PWM-controlled RPM range. This keeps the noise level at a minimum while guaranteeing maximum cooling performance when needed. LOWER POWER CONSUMPTION & MINIMUM VIBRATION The new Alpine 23 is powered by an updated motor and runs much more efficiently than its predecessors. Due to sinus-magnetizing the new motor creates just 5 % of the vibration from commutation of a regular DC-motor. These factors contribute towards saving energy, lowering the coil temperature and reducing vibrations to a minimum without compromising performance. FOR CONTINUOUS OPERATION The premium quality Japanese dual ball bearing allows continuous operation 24/7 without the slightest compromise in performance. Dust and high temperature are affecting this bearing a lot less than generic sleeve or one ball bearings and thus make it the perfect choice when reliability is essential. EXTENDED LIFE SPAN A 10 °C lower motor temperature roughly doubles the life span of a fan. The new ARCTIC motor has a four times longer service life through its low coil temperature. PRE-APPLIED MX-2 THERMAL PASTE The pre-applied, high-performance MX-2 thermal compound ensures fast and clean installation. EASY AND FAST INSTALLATION Thanks to the mounting clips, the installation is really easy. Alpine 23 is simply plugged onto the existing AMD retention modules and screwed tight. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS General data Compatibility Intel Socket: AMD Socket: AM4 Ram Clearance: unlimited Heatsink Outer Diameter: 93.4 mm Fin Material: Aluminum Number of Fins: 50 Y-shaped Fins Thermal Paste: MX-2 pre-applied Fan Fan Diameter: 90 mm Fan Speed: 100 - 2000 rpm Fan Bearing: Dual Ball Bearing Noise Level: 0.3 Sone Current: 0.06 A Connector: 4-Pin Size & Weight Lenght: 98.6 mm Width: 121 mm Height: 65 mm Weight: 275.5 Packaging Width: 111 mm Height: 76 mm Length: 111 mm Weight: 0.338 kg
ARCTIC Alpine 23 CO

Kompaktní procesorový chladič pro nepřetržitý provoz, který kombinuje nízkou hlučnost a vynikající chladicí výkon. Disponuje ventilátorem o velikosti 90 mm a PWM regulací, díky které je možné regulovat rychlost otáček za minutu. Předem nanesená tepelná pasta MX-2 zajišťuje rychlou a čistou instalaci. K připojení slouží 4-pin PWM konektor.


Určení chladiče: pro CPU

Patice: AMD AM4

Otáčky ventilátoru: 100-2000 ot./min

Hlučnost: 0,3 sone (± 22,5 dBA)

Rozměry: 121 x 98,6 x 65 mm

Hmotnost: 275,5 g

Barva: černá - šedá

Kompaktní chladič procesorů AMD AM4/AM5. Tvar hliníkového chladiče je nově ve tvaru "Y", čímž se ještě zvětšila chladicí plocha. Jako většina chladičů Arctic je i Alpine 23 vybaven tichým ventilátorem řízeným PWM. Zkratka "CO" (Continuous Operation - nepřetržitý provoz) znamená, že je ventilátor vybavený duálními kuličkovými ložisky a je tak ideální pro počítače, které jsou v non-stop režimu, jako například servery nebo pracovní stanice. Rozměry: 111 x 111 x 76mm (šířka x hloubka x výška) Materiál: hliník Ventilátor: 90 mm Otáčky ventilátoru: 100 - 2000 Ot./min (řízeno PWM) Hlučnost: 0.3 sonu Maximální chladicí kapacita: výrobce neuvádí Ložiska: duální kuličková Hmotnost: 275,5 g Kompatibilní se sockety: AMD AM4, AM5
Alpine 23 CO - Compact AMD CPU-Cooler for continuous operation IMPROVED COOLING PERFORMANCE BY NEW PRODUCTION PROCESS The high thermal conductivity of aluminum is fully retained by a new type of extrusion. This new production process creates a powerful yet very compact radial heat sink. The particularly thin cooling fins of the new Alpine are fanned out in a Y-shape. This increases the surface area of the heat sink and therefore the cooling capacity. WIDE RPM RANGE The Alpine 23 CO features a new motor technology with a very wide, PWM-controlled RPM range. This keeps the noise level at a minimum while guaranteeing maximum cooling performance when needed. LOWER POWER CONSUMPTION & MINIMUM VIBRATION The new Alpine 23 is powered by an updated motor and runs much more efficiently than its predecessors. Due to sinus-magnetizing the new motor creates just 5 % of the vibration from commutation of a regular DC-motor. These factors contribute towards saving energy, lowering the coil temperature and reducing vibrations to a minimum without compromising performance. FOR CONTINUOUS OPERATION The premium quality Japanese dual ball bearing allows continuous operation 24/7 without the slightest compromise in performance. Dust and high temperature are affecting this bearing a lot less than generic sleeve or one ball bearings and thus make it the perfect choice when reliability is essential. EXTENDED LIFE SPAN A 10 °C lower motor temperature roughly doubles the life span of a fan. The new ARCTIC motor has a four times longer service life through its low coil temperature. PRE-APPLIED MX-2 THERMAL PASTE The pre-applied, high-performance MX-2 thermal compound ensures fast and clean installation. EASY AND FAST INSTALLATION Thanks to the mounting clips, the installation is really easy. Alpine 23 is simply plugged onto the existing AMD retention modules and screwed tight. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS General data Compatibility Intel Socket: AMD Socket: AM4 Ram Clearance: unlimited Heatsink Outer Diameter: 93.4 mm Fin Material: Aluminum Number of Fins: 50 Y-shaped Fins Thermal Paste: MX-2 pre-applied Fan Fan Diameter: 90 mm Fan Speed: 100 - 2000 rpm Fan Bearing: Dual Ball Bearing Noise Level: 0.3 Sone Current: 0.06 A Connector: 4-Pin Size & Weight Lenght: 98.6 mm Width: 121 mm Height: 65 mm Weight: 275.5 Packaging Width: 111 mm Height: 76 mm Length: 111 mm Weight: 0.338 kg
ARCTIC Alpine 23 CO Kompaktní procesorový chladič pro nepřetržitý provoz, který kombinuje nízkou hlučnost a vynikající chladicí výkon. Disponuje ventilátorem o velikosti 90 mm a PWM regulací, díky které je možné regulovat rychlost otáček za minutu. Předem nanesená tepelná pasta MX-2 zajišťuje rychlou a čistou instalaci. K připojení slouží 4-pin PWM konektor. ZÁKLADNÍ SPECIFIKACE Určení chladiče: pro CPU Patice: AMD AM4 Otáčky ventilátoru: 100-2000 ot/min Hlučnost: 0,3 sone (± 22,5 dBA) Rozměry: 121 x 98,6 x 65 mm Hmotnost: 275,5 g Barva: černá - šedá
Alpine 23 CO - Compact AMD CPU-Cooler for continuous operation IMPROVED COOLING PERFORMANCE BY NEW PRODUCTION PROCESS The high thermal conductivity of aluminum is fully retained by a new type of extrusion. This new production process creates a powerful yet very compact radial heat sink. The particularly thin cooling fins of the new Alpine are fanned out in a Y-shape. This increases the surface area of the heat sink and therefore the cooling capacity. WIDE RPM RANGE The Alpine 23 CO features a new motor technology with a very wide, PWM-controlled RPM range. This keeps the noise level at a minimum while guaranteeing maximum cooling performance when needed. LOWER POWER CONSUMPTION & MINIMUM VIBRATION The new Alpine 23 is powered by an updated motor and runs much more efficiently than its predecessors. Due to sinus-magnetizing the new motor creates just 5 % of the vibration from commutation of a regular DC-motor. These factors contribute towards saving energy, lowering the coil temperature and reducing vibrations to a minimum without compromising performance. FOR CONTINUOUS OPERATION The premium quality Japanese dual ball bearing allows continuous operation 24/7 without the slightest compromise in performance. Dust and high temperature are affecting this bearing a lot less than generic sleeve or one ball bearings and thus make it the perfect choice when reliability is essential. EXTENDED LIFE SPAN A 10 °C lower motor temperature roughly doubles the life span of a fan. The new ARCTIC motor has a four times longer service life through its low coil temperature. PRE-APPLIED MX-2 THERMAL PASTE The pre-applied, high-performance MX-2 thermal compound ensures fast and clean installation. EASY AND FAST INSTALLATION Thanks to the mounting clips, the installation is really easy. Alpine 23 is simply plugged onto the existing AMD retention modules and screwed tight. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS General data Compatibility Intel Socket: AMD Socket: AM4 Ram Clearance: unlimited Heatsink Outer Diameter: 93.4 mm Fin Material: Aluminum Number of Fins: 50 Y-shaped Fins Thermal Paste: MX-2 pre-applied Fan Fan Diameter: 90 mm Fan Speed: 100 - 2000 rpm Fan Bearing: Dual Ball Bearing Noise Level: 0.3 Sone Current: 0.06 A Connector: 4-Pin Size & Weight Lenght: 98.6 mm Width: 121 mm Height: 65 mm Weight: 275.5 Packaging Width: 111 mm Height: 76 mm Length: 111 mm Weight: 0.338 kg
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